Russia: Putin signs law banning all LGBT expression in public life

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a law that effectively prohibits any public expression of LGBT behavior or lifestyle in Russia, Reuters reports.

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Supreme Court grapples with Christian business owner’s objection to Colorado’s pro-LGBTQ law

The Supreme Court grappled Monday with balancing free speech against gay rights, hearing a case involving a Colorado website designer who says she shouldn’t be compelled to violate the tenets of her faith by creating products for same-sex marriages.

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LGBTQ group vandalizes Focus on the Family sign after gay bar mass shooting: “Their blood is on your hands”

A group claiming to represent the LGBTQ community has admitted responsibility for writing “THEIR BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS” on a sign belonging to the Focus on the Family Christian ministry headquarters in Colorado Springs following the recent deadly mass…

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249 more congregations vote to leave United Methodist Church over homosexuality issue

As congregations continue to leave the United Methodist Church mainline Protestant denomination over division on LGBTQ issues, 249 North Carolina congregations disaffiliated from the UMC on Saturday, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

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58 US churches vote to disaffiliate from United Methodist Church over LGBTQ stance

As the US United Methodist Church continues to lose congregations over its acceptance of same-sex marriage and ordination of noncelibate homosexuals, 58 churches in Louisiana officially disaffiliated from the denomination at the weekend, the Christian …

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UK to restrict gender-affirming treatment to children; US says access to transgender treatment for children should be advanced

While the US Biden administration has stated access to gender-affirming care for children must be expanded, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) has announced plans to restrict transgender treatment for under-18s, including banning puberty blockers o…

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