Maryland to consider allowing children to be vaccinated without parental consent

A Maryland state senator has introduced a controversial bill that would give children the same capacity to consent to be vaccinated as an adult – i.e., without parental consent. Democratic State Sen. Cheryl Kagan introduced Bill 378 on Wednesday; the proposed legislation will go before a hearing in the Senate Finance Committee on February 22.

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US: Sixty-six clinics in 14 states have stopped providing abortions

Sixty-six clinics in 14 states have stopped providing abortions since the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade in June, Politico reports. Twenty-six of these clinics have closed down altogether, including the Jackson Women’s Health Organization, whic…

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U.S. Supreme Court Against New York Gun Rule

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a New York law requiring people to show a need for carrying a gun to get a license to have one in public. The justices said the requirement violates the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.”

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Hungary’s Orbán Urges CPAC To Reconquer Institutions And Christian Values

Hungary’s nationalist prime minister urged conservatives in Europe and the United States to “reconquer” institutions in Washington and Brussels from liberals who he said threatened Christian civilization.

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‘163 Billion In Pandemic Benefits Lost In US’

At least 163 billion dollars in coronavirus pandemic benefits handed out under U.S. President Joe Biden have been stolen or misspent, The Washington Post newspaper reports. The money may never be recovered.

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California introduces bill that legalizes infanticide

In a move that pro-life groups have decried as legalizing infanticide, California has introduced a bill that would absolve parents and medical staff of any criminal or civil liability for the death of a newborn baby in their care, even if the cause of …

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