Oil pipeline disputes raise tensions between U.S. and Canada

Months after President Biden snubbed Canadian officials by canceling Keystone XL, an impending showdown over a second crude oil pipeline threatens to further strain ties between the two neighbors that were frayed during the Trump administration.

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New U.S. COVID cases fall sharply last week, deaths lowest since October

New cases of COVID-19 in the United States fell 16% last week to about 409,000, the biggest percentage drop in weekly new cases since February, according to a Reuters analysis of state and county data.

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Fully open Texas and Florida reporting fewer COVID cases than Democrat-led Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York

Republican-led states including Texas and Florida are reporting fewer coronavirus cases than Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York — all of which are led by prominent Democrats who refuse to roll back COVID-19 regulations and statewide mask mandates, ac…

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Federal Court: University in Michigan violated rights of Christian student group

A federal court ruled Monday that Michigan’s Wayne State University (WSU) officials violated the constitutional rights of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship student club in 2017: the officials revoked InterVarsity’s registered status saying it was “…

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Largest US Christian adoption agency to place children with LGBT parents

As legal and cultural fighting continues over religious convictions and LGBTQ rights, America’s largest Christian adoption agency, Bethany Christian Services, has decided to change a longstanding policy and begin placing children with LGBT parents for …

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US Customs officers intercept over $136k in counterfeit currency from China

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at Chicago’s International Mail Facility last week intercepted two parcels from China that contained different denominations of counterfeit currency totaling over $136,000, the Department of Homeland Securit…

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