Mozambique: Eight Christians murdered by Islamic State affiliates

ight Christians were murdered by the Islamic State-affiliated Al Shabaab terror group (not the Somali-based group of the same name) in a series of jihadist attacks across northern Mozambique in September, the Barnabas Fund reports.

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Mozambique Militants Kill Italian Nun And Other Christians (Worthy News In-Depth)

At least six people, most of them Christians, were beheaded, and an elderly Italian nun was shot dead by Islamic State group militants in northern Mozambique, Catholic sources and officials said Thursday.

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Mozambique: Christians in danger as Islamic terror insurgency continues

Christians in Mozambique live in danger as al-Shabaab ISIS-affiliated Islamic insurgents continue to wreak terror, now causing the total number of internally displaced people (IDPs) in the country to rise by 80,000, International Christian Concern (ICC…

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Islamists Behead Christians In Mozambique

Christian aid workers have confirmed that Islamist militants beheaded two Christian men during an attack on a minibus in northern Mozambique.

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Mozambique: Islamic State behead two Christians

Two Christian men in northern Mozambique were beheaded by local Islamic State terrorists on July 30, the Barnabas Fund reports.

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Islamic State Attacks Christians In Mozambique, Killing Eight

The Islamic State terror group has claimed responsibility for attacks on several Christian villages that killed at least eight people in northern Mozambique, well-informed Christians confirmed Saturday.

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