Nepal Christians Vulnerable to Hindu Persecution, “Pray for Nepal’s Government”

As Christians in India suffer increasing violent persecution at the hands of extremist Hindu nationalists, believers in next-door Nepal are now at risk of persecution as that same Hindu nationalism begins to target them too, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Nepal: Pastor Sentenced To Jail Term For Evangelizing, “I Am Here Serving The Lord”

A pastor in Nepal is seeking to be given a fine instead of the one-year prison sentence he has received for proselytizing, despite being ordered by the Nepalese Supreme Court to begin his jail sentence pending appeal, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

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Nepal Christians Facing Hunger After Quake

Christians in western Nepal faced homelessness and food shortages Tuesday after a massive earthquake destroyed their homes and churches, killing many, but authorities in the Hindu-majority nation are reluctant to help them, Worthy News established.

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Nepal: Pastor must serve one year in prison for alleged proselytization, Supreme Court says

The Supreme Court of Nepal has told a Christian pastor he must serve a one-year prison term he was sentenced to earlier this year for alleged proselytization against Hindus, Christian Today reports.

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Nepal: Pastor to spend year in jail for allegedly converting Hindus to Christianity

A pastor in Nepal has lost his appeal against conviction on false charges of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity and will now spend a year in prison, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Nepal is no longer officially a Hindu state, but Nepalese Christians are subjected to persecution from radical Hindu groups who want the country to return to Hinduism.

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Nepal sees growing violent hostility toward Christians

In what appears to be a growing trend of violent hostility toward Christianity in Nepal, seven churches in Lumbini Province were attacked in the last two weeks alone, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The population of Nepal is 80.19% Hindu and 1.76% Christian, with numerous other minority religions represented.

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