U.S. Supreme Court Lets Republicans Defend North Carolina Voter-ID Law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that Republican lawmakers in North Carolina can intervene in a lawsuit challenging a voter-ID law that they believed the state’s Democratic attorney general was unlikely to defend strongly enough.

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Biden signs bill making lynching a federal hate crime

Presidents typically say a few words before they turn legislation into law. But Joe Biden flipped the script Tuesday when it came time to put his signature on the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act.

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Supreme Court rejects GOP efforts to halt congressional maps in two states

The Supreme Court on Monday denied efforts by Republicans in North Carolina and Pennsylvania to block state court-ordered congressional maps favoring Democrats.

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Biden Sends Thousands Of US Troops To Eastern Europe (Worthy News In-Depth)

U.S. President Joe Biden decided Wednesday that thousands of additional U.S. troops would be sent to Eastern Europe amid fears of an imminent Russian invasion into Ukraine.

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Biden orders 3,000 U.S. troops to Europe to support allies in Russia-Ukraine conflict

President Biden has ordered the Pentagon to send over 3,000 U.S. troops to assist in the defense of European allies amid the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

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Supreme Court to Revisit Affirmative Action as Conservative Majority Flexes Muscle

The Supreme Court this week announced that it would hear two cases challenging the practice by some U.S. universities of using the race of an applicant as one of the factors that affect admissions.

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