Supreme Court to Revisit Affirmative Action as Conservative Majority Flexes Muscle

The Supreme Court this week announced that it would hear two cases challenging the practice by some U.S. universities of using the race of an applicant as one of the factors that affect admissions.

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China Warns Of Counterattack Against Those Questioning Coronavirus Origins

China warned Wednesday it would retaliate with “a counterattack” against those questioning whether the coronavirus leaked from its labs after U.S. President Joe Biden indicated he would make public findings of an intelligence investigation into the ori…

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Pro-life Crisis pregnancy centers are effective in reducing abortion, new study shows

Confirming the effectiveness of pro-life Crisis Pregnancy Centers, a new study has found that abortion-minded women who visit such a center are 30% more likely to decide on keeping their babies, Life News reports. The study was carried out by the Unive…

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Grandson Late Evangelist Billy Graham Leaves Hospital After COVID, Pneumonia care

The preaching grandson of the late evangelist Billy Graham was released from hospital after battling the Delta variant of the coronavirus and pneumonia, his mother confirmed.

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Study Shows Drop In Support for Israel Among US Evangelical Young Adults

A new study released this week, shows a sharp drop in support for Israel among Evangelicals aged 18 to 29 that could have “dramatic implications” on long-term US-Israel relations.

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Support for Israel among young US evangelical Christians drops sharply — survey

A new survey points to a growing divide in the US between young evangelical Christians and their elders, particularly in their views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, indicating Israel could see a significant drop in support in coming years.

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