Ohio School Board Ignores Parents, Clergy with Trans Bathroom Policy Even as US Court Issues Big Trans Ruling

A school district in Shelby, Ohio, says it will not change its policy allowing transgender students to use the restroom corresponding to their gender identity. The decision came despite opposition from members of the local community and a large group o…

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Ohio: Christian teacher fired for refusal to use students’ preferred pronouns, files suit

A Christian school teacher in Ohio has filed a lawsuit against her former employers for wrongful dismissal after allegedly being fired for refusing to address two students by their preferred pronouns, the Daily Caller reports.

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Biden officials put on notice to preserve documents ahead of expected congressional probes

House Republican leaders have told the Biden administration to preserve documents related to the targeting of parents at school board meetings and the botched U.S. pullout from Afghanistan, as the lawmakers prepare for congressional investigations next…

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States deploy about 2,500 National Guard troops to U.S.-Mexico border

Nearly two dozen states are sending National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to help federal immigration officials grapple with an unprecedented surge of undocumented migrants.

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Ohio legislators introduce ‘Parents Bill of Rights’

Ohio school districts would not be able to discourage or prohibit parental involvement in decisions about their child’s mental health if the General Assembly passes a recently-introduced Parents Bill of Rights Act.

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Judge temporarily blocks Ohio from banning nearly all abortions

An Ohio judge temporarily blocked a statewide ban on nearly all abortions for two weeks.

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