Emptying the Nest in Hope, not Fear

If you’re in the midst of launching a child into adulthood, preparing them to keep the faith as they grow up, you’ve probably already begun to train them in apologetics. It might not be formal apologetics, though that’s what comes to mind for me: debates, arguments, refuting other people’s beliefs point by point. That kind Read more…

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Parents Today Are Kinder and Gentler. They Can Still Take Sin Seriously.

My husband and I found out we were expecting our first child in the summer of 2020. Ongoing pandemic lockdowns in California gave me ample time to read parenting books and research baby products. I was raised in the shadow of fundamentalist evangelicalism at the turn of the 21st century, my parents and their peers Read more…

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Public School Can Be a Training Ground for Faith

Depending on your circles, mentioning “public school” may elicit strong reactions. Many Christians in America avidly allege its degeneracy, while many others fiercely defend its merits. And although this debate isn’t new, it has come back to the foreground of our public life in recent years. Last month, for example, a video went around in Read more…

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Christian Formation for the ‘Toolbelt Generation’

I always assumed my sons would go to college. My husband and I were indelibly formed by our own college years of deep reading, endless discussion, and applying what we’d learned in the classroom to our faith and the world. University life helped us grow toward being “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as Read more…

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 appeared first on Christianity Today.

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