WSJ: Israel, Arab nations held secret US talks on Iran

The United States held a secret meeting last March in Egypt with senior Israeli army (IDF) officials and military chiefs from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Arab nations over the Iranian threat, according to a Sunday report by The Wall Street Journal (…

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FBI seizes retired general’s data, accuses him of being agent for Qatar

A retired Marine Corps general who once led U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan and later publicly backed Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is facing scrutiny over allegations that he illegally lobbied government officials on behalf of the Persia…

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US, Qatar sign anti-terror deal to end diplomatic spat

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has announced an agreement with Qatar targeting the financing of extremist groups. The tiny Gulf country has been shunned by its neighbors over its alleged backing of terrorism.

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Arab States ask U.N. Security Council to Condemn Israel’s Aggression (Video)

Several U.N. Representatives of Islamic states will be asking the U.N. Security Council to condemn Israel’s “aggression” for the second time in as many weeks.

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