Poll: Majority of Americans believe religious liberty is declining in US

A new poll by Lifeway Research has found that 54% of Americans believe religious liberty is declining in the US, and 59% believe that tolerance of Christianity specifically is declining, CBN News reports. The poll found that evangelical believers are m…

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Supreme Court’s religious liberty rulings give new life to legal battle for gay-marriage opponent

The former county clerk in Kentucky who refused to give same-sex couples marriage licenses and was branded a civil rights scofflaw says the conservative-leaning Supreme Court has bolstered her legal fight to clear her name.

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Christian massacres in Nigeria a top topic at global religious freedom summit

Protecting religious liberty around the world has become more challenging in the last year, advocates said this week ahead of Tuesday’s convening of the second International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington.

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Supreme Court overturns ban preventing religious schools from receiving state funding

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday overturned Maine’s ban on state tuition assistance to students attending religious schools in an education case that could have big implications for schools around the country.

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Nigeria: Armed police stood by as Christian student was murdered

US human groups have virulently condemned the behavior of Nigerian armed policemen who stood by as Islamic extremists stoned a Christian student to death on her school campus in Sokoto state on May 12, Genocide Watch reports. In a further example of un…

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Sri Lanka Christians Pray After Buddhist Attack

Evangelical Christians in bankrupt Sri Lanka were weighing their options Friday after new details emerged of a Buddhist mob storming a church and injuring one believer.

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