Americans want ‘fair shake’ for faith-based groups, protection for vaccine refusers, survey suggests

Most Americans say that religious groups providing community services should qualify for government funding alongside their secular counterparts, according to the 2021 Religious Freedom Index survey released Wednesday.

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India Hindu Mob, Police Detain Christians

Christian leaders held emergency talks with authorities in central India where police detained scores of Christians instead of the Hindu nationalists who attacked them.

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Supreme Court won’t hear New York abortion funding case

The Supreme Court announced Monday it would not hear a challenge against New York’s requirement that employers provide abortion coverage with health insurance plans.

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Medical Workers Sue NY Over Vaccine Mandate

A prominent religious liberty group is helping 17 medical professionals sue New York state in federal court for alleged civil rights violations in imposing vaccine mandates.

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21 state Attorneys General tell Biden his transgender policies threaten religious liberty and free speech

A group of 21 state attorneys general has written to President Joe Biden, warning him that policies recently enacted by his administration on sexual orientation and gender identity will violate federally protected religious liberty and free speech righ…

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New U.S. Supreme Court Less Conservative Than Anticipated

The U.S. Supreme Court has ended its first year in its current form without rulings that Republicans hoped for, and liberal Democrats feared, from transgender issues to challenging critical parts of Obamacare.

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