10 Anglican Archbishops say Church of England is “disqualified” as “Mother Church” over blessings for same-sex marriages

Following the recent Church of England decision to allow blessing ceremonies for same-sex civil marriages, Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion have signed a statement that the CofE is now “disqualified” as their founding “Mother Church,” BBC News reports.

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Democrats punt same-sex marriage vote until after election

Democrats are punting a vote to protect same-sex and interracial marriages until after the November midterm elections, pulling back just days after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to put the Senate on the record on the issue “in the coming w…

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United Methodist Court Upholds Ban on LGBTQ Clergy, Same Sex Marriage

The United Methodist Church’s top court has upheld much of the Traditional Plan approved earlier this year, continuing the global denomination’s ban on the ordination and marriage of its LGBTQ members.

The post United Methodist Court Upholds Ban on LGBTQ Clergy, Same Sex Marriage appeared first on Worthy Christian News.

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Australia kicks off weeks-long same-sex marriage ballot

Australia on Tuesday launched a postal vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage as a widely watched poll indicated the country would be overwhelmingly in support.

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Christian Photographer Claims Victory in Same-Sex Wedding Challenge

A Wisconsin circuit court ruled photographer Amy Lawson cannot be sued under certain anti-discrimination laws for refusing to take photos at the weddings of same-sex couples.

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‘Church ministers must marry same-sex couples’, says Swedish PM

Ministers in Sweden’s state church cannot ‘refuse to marry same-sex couples’, the country’s Prime Minister has said.

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