US Satanists Open Ritual Abortion Clinic (Worthy News Investigation)

Satanists on Wednesday joined Democrats in their fight to extend abortion rights across the United States by opening a health clinic providing “free religious medication abortion.”

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‘A Battle of Good and Evil’: Satanists Hold Convention Targeting AZ City That Did Not Allow Satanic Invocation

The Satanic Temple (TST) is holding its first convention in Scottsdale, Arizona this weekend in the city’s Old Town district.

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Evangelist Graham Condemns Satanist Attack On Christmas

American evangelist Franklin Graham has condemned U.S.-based Satanists after they tried “to destroy” Christmas over the weekend.

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Illinois allows Satanic Temple to install a display at state capitol

Illinois has allowed members of the Satanic Temple to install a display of the demonic entity Baphomet as a baby at the state Capitol in Springfield, the Washington Times reports.

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Satanists Decry “Equal Rights” in Attempts to Fight Pro-Life Laws

Satanist groups have launched efforts to reverse the newly enacted pro-life laws in Texas, Ohio, and other states, including a Utah measure that would outlaw most abortions in the event that the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion.

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Satanists Say TX Heartbeat Law Restricts Religious Freedom by Limiting ‘Satanic Abortion Ritual’

The Satanic Temple (TST) has entered the fray against the Texas heartbeat law, not by claiming a woman’s right to abortion, but by alleging the law restricts the group’s freedom of religion.

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