Evangelical ministry asks Supreme Court to hear defamation case against Southern Poverty Law Center

An evangelical Christian ministry is asking the Supreme Court to take up its 4-year-old defamation lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center, arguing that the “actual malice” standard established in the court’s landmark New York Times v. Sullivan…

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Two Supreme Court Justices want SCOTUS to review defamation law through Christian ministry case

Two US Supreme Court have stated that a defamation lawsuit by D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM) against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) offers the Court an opportunity to review its controversial landmark defamation ruling in New York Times v. …

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Republican resolution challenges legitimacy of Southern Southern Poverty Law Center to provide information on hate groups

The Republican National Committee (RNC) issued a resolution Monday stating that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) legal advocacy group has no legitimacy to provide information to government agencies about organizations it identifies as ‘hate group…

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House Democrats call for stripping tax-exempt status from 60 ‘hate groups’

House Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee said on Thursday that over 60 alleged hate groups, mostly socially conservative organizations, anti-immigration entities, and religious groups should be stripped of their tax-exempt status.

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Congressman demands end to federal funding of Nation of Islam

Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., Monday called on the Department of Justice to immediately halt federal funding to the Nation of Islam, after the Washington Examiner first reported that the group has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the government to teach religious studies programs to prison inmates.

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Nation of Islam receiving federal cash to teach prisoners

The Nation of Islam and its leaders have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the U.S. government since 2008 to teach religious study programs for federal prison inmates, according to records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

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