Up to Million Protest Against Spanish Premier Amid Anger Over Pro-Palestine, Amnesty Views (Video)

Up to one million people gathered in central Madrid against Spain’s socialist prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, after he was sworn in Friday amid anger over his perceived pro-Palestinian views and his deal with separatists to stay in power.

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Violence After Spain’s Premier Wins Re-election

Violence broke out in Spain’s capital after Spain’s parliament voted to make Pedro Sanchez prime minister for another term on Thursday, ending a protracted deadlock after an inconclusive general election in July.

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Migrant Facing Expulsion Kills Church Worker In Spain, Injures Priest

A young Moroccan man who faced deportation from the country allegedly killed a church caretaker and injured a priest in southern Spain, authorities said Thursday.

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China establishes extraterritorial policing of its citizens abroad

A new report by the Safeguard Defenders human rights NGO reveals that China’s ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has set up a worrying global policing program, including the establishment of police stations in New York City and Toronto, through whic…

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Iran ‘galloping ahead’ with nuclear program, IAEA chief warns

Iran’s nuclear program is “galloping ahead” and the International Atomic Energy Agency has very limited visibility on what is happening, IAEA chief Rafael Grossi told Spain’s El Pais newspaper in an interview published on Friday.

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Southern European countries face severe drought

As Italy continues to experience its worst drought in 70 years, southern European countries Portugal and Spain are among others battling extreme heat and water shortages, DW reports.

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