Satanists sue Arkansas to have satanic statue placed next to Ten Commandments at state Capitol

A group of Satanists have filed suit against Arkansas, requesting that a statue of a satanic deity be installed next to the Ten Commandments monument on the state Capitol grounds, Christian Headlines reports. A federal judge has allowed the Satanic Tem…

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China intends to exercise total control over religion beginning February 2020

China will roll out new measures to further circumscribe the spiritual activities of its citizens on February 1st in the New Year, as state news reported Monday that the 42 articles of the Administrative Measures for Religious Groups had been approved.

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Canadian Church of Atheism denied charitable status after court finds it’s not a religion

A federal court in Canada has ruled that the self-titled ‘Church of Atheism’ isn’t a religion and can’t be treated like one for tax purposes.

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Xi Jinping set up as god in state-run Chinese churches

China is overhauling its state-run ‘Three-Self’ churches to reflect the idolatry of its one-party state.

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Ohio School Removes Ten Commandments Plaque After Being Accused of ‘Promotion of the Judeo-Christian Bible

A plaque of the ten commandments bequeathed to an Ohio Middle school in 1926 and on display since then has been removed after the school received complaints from the Freedom of Religion Foundation, who said the plaque violated the First Amendment separation of church and state.

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The Satanic Temple Holds Rally Protesting Ten Commandments Monument

The Satanic Temple held a ‘Rally for the First Amendment’ at the Arkansas State Capitol Thursday and brought with them a statue known as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure associated with the group.

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