Can a Lebanese Seminary Move Beyond the Liberal-Conservative Impasse?

The oldest Protestant seminary in the Middle East has a new vision. Officially founded in 1932 but with origins dating back to the 19th-century missionary movement, the Near East School of Theology (NEST) is operated by the Presbyterian, Anglican, Lutheran, and Armenian Evangelical denominations. Installed this week, its 11th president is a nondenominational Lebanese evangelical. Read more…

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Lausanne Theologians Explain Seoul Statement that Surprised Congress Delegates

The Lausanne Movement’s decision to release a 97-point, 13,000-word theological statement on the inaugural day of its fourth world congress has sparked a week of debate and conversation. The seven-part treatise, which stated theological positions on the gospel, the Bible, the church, the “human person,” discipleship, the “family of nations,” and technology, went live online Read more…

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How the ‘Jezebel Spirit’ Keeps Empowering Sin

This piece was adapted from Russell Moore’s newsletter. Subscribe here. Early in our marriage, when my wife and I had just moved to a new city while I was starting doctoral work, we attended a worship service—knowing almost no one there but hoping to make friends. The preacher, who mumbled a bit, was trying to make a Read more…

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An Evangelical’s Warning to Evangelical Christian Nationalists Aims Beyond the Easy Targets

Donald Trump’s manifold sins and acts of wickedness are so numerous that they are almost too tedious to repeat. He is a danger to democracy, a would-be fascist who has promised that voting for him means never needing to vote again, and he fomented the worst event in recent American history, the January 6, 2021, Read more…

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The Cross in an Age of ‘Spiritual Derangement’

I love the church, but I can’t say I always understand or even like it. And in my more than half a century inside it, I can’t remember a time when the American church seemed less clear about its identity and purpose. The Lord decreed love as our signature characteristic (John 13:35), yet Christians have Read more…

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Reading Scripture through Embodied Eyes

We all lead diverse sensory lives—in the form of memories, reflections, emotions, and events that become embedded into our embodied lives. It is through our five senses that we encounter the world, and these experiences get encoded into the fabric of our beings to be later recalled, from compassion and peace to trauma and violence. Read more…

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