Israeli NGO mints silver coin to fund third temple for the nations

The Mikdash (Temple) Educational Center in conjunction with Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the former spokesman for the Sanhedrin, has minted a silver coin to promote a practical effort to establish the third temple.

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Efforts by rabbis to see a third temple built intensify

Rabbis in Israel are calling for the reinstitution of the temple service as a means of averting plagues, pointing to the Passover sacrifice that saved the Israelites in Egypt as a model for understanding current events.
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Sanhedrin petitions Israeli government to perform Passover sacrifice — Rabbis hopeful

The Sanhedrin is anxiously awaiting a response from the Israeli government about whether it will be able to perform the Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount for the first time since the second temple in the first century AD.
The post Sanhedrin petiti…

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Rabbi: Supermoon presages messianic “night of miracles” over Passover

Rabbis in Israel are pointing to a portentous sign occurring on three major Jewish holidays this year as an indication that redemption and the construction of a third temple are imminent.
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Major Jewish leaders leave off speculation about the Messiah, begin asserting that his arrival is imminent

Many Jewish leaders are making surprising comments about the imminent arrival of the messiah, even suggesting that a savior figure could arrive as early as Passover.
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Messianic expectations of Jews and Muslims become one — Bible points to a false Jesus they and others will accept

The messianic expectations of Muslim and Jewish leaders are dovetailing, with many scholars from each camp agreeing that coronavirus is the harbinger of a divine figure who will arrive as a king in the midst of pandemics and economic crises.
The post M…

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