Indonesia’s Bali Island Hit By Quake

Indonesia’s tropical island of Bali, an essential host for Group of 20 summits and events this year, was reeling Wednesday after a strong earthquake and two aftershocks hit the area.

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6.9 magnitude earthquake rocks Taiwan, triggers Tsunami alarm in Japan

First responders in Taiwan are searching through rubble for survivors after a 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck the island Sunday, triggering fears of a tsunami in Japan.

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Tsunami Warning After Powerful Earthquake Hits Papua New Guinea

A tsunami warning was issued Sunday after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake in eastern Papua New Guinea killed at least five people prompting missionaries to rescue injured survivors, authorities said.

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Supreme Court’s pro-Second Amendment ruling fuels gun rights groups to target bans, age limits

Second Amendment activists, armed with the Supreme Court’s ruling on the right to carry firearms for self-defense, are rushing to lower courts to challenge laws including age restrictions on handgun purchases and bans on some types of firearms.

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Bankrupt Sri Lanka Asks Expats For Help

Sri Lanka has urged its citizens overseas to send home money after announcing a default on its $51 billion foreign debt amid anti-government protests.

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Tonga Hit By “Unprecedented” Volcano Disaster; Several Killed, Says Government

Tonga says it has been hit by an “unprecedented disaster,” with the government confirming at least three deaths following an underwater volcanic eruption and tsunami.

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