Scores Die In Philippines Storm; Christian ‘Still Blessed’

Scores of people have died in the southern Philippines after floods and mudslides caused by a tropical storm, overshadowing All Saints’ Day weekend when families remember their late loved ones, government officials said Saturday.

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Powerful typhoon hits north Philippines, thousands evacuated

A powerful typhoon slammed into the northeastern Philippines on Sunday and was barreling across the main Luzon island toward the capital in a densely populated path where thousands have been evacuated to safety.

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Japan sees ‘unprecedented’ typhoon slam onto shore, causing power outages and massive evacuations

Typhoon Nanmadol slammed onto the shore of southern Japan on Sunday and caused massive infrastructure disruptions, including power outages and forcing thousands of people to evacuate.

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Alaska braces for “near worst case coastal flooding scenario” as massive storm may bring worst flooding in nearly 50 years

Alaska is bracing for dangerous weather as the remnants of Typhoon Merbok move toward the Bering Sea region. Forecasters predict that the storm, set to hit on Friday, could bring “potentially historical” flooding, with some coastal areas seeing water l…

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