Trump’s budget expected to increase defense spending, cut most other areas

President Trump is expected to tell federal agencies to compile a budget that would increase spending on the military but cut nearly every other agency, with the Environmental Protection Agency particularly on the chopping block.

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Navy, Trump planning biggest fleet expansion since Cold War

With President-elect Donald Trump demanding more ships, the Navy is proposing the biggest shipbuilding boom since the end of the Cold War to meet threats from a resurgent Russia and saber-rattling China.

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U.S. bombed Mosul terrorists every 8 minutes for 3 days, official says

Iraqi forces attempting to liberate Mosul from the Islamic State group cannot claim U.S. Air Force allies failed to soften up targets.

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U.S. deploys more troops to Iraq for showdown with Islamic State

The U.S. and Iraq took a big step closer to a showdown with Islamic State fighters Wednesday as the Pentagon announced that 615 more U.S. soldiers are heading to Iraq in anticipation of the battle to liberate Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city.

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US to shift military assets to Syria under deal

The U.S. military will have to shift surveillance aircraft from other regions and increase the number of intelligence analysts to coordinate attacks with Russia under the Syria cease-fire deal partly in order to target militants the U.S. has largely spared, senior officials say.

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America’s ‘Ultimate Failure’ in Afghanistan: Corruption by the Billions

A blistering new report blasts the U.S. government’s pouring of billions of dollars into projects in Afghanistan with inadequate oversight that in many cases fueled corruption on unprecedented levels and ultimately undermined America’s mission there.

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