Federal Appeals Court: Warrant is Needed for Cellphone Location Records

A federal appeals court has for the first time ruled that a warrant is required for the government to obtain an individual’s stored cellphone location records.

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Satanic Temple: Gay Marriage is ‘a Sacrament’

The Satanic Temple, which gained international notoriety in May when it tried to hold a Black Mass reenactment at Harvard University, said one of the issues it feels strongly about is “gay rights” and explained that homosexual marriage is “a sacrament,” just like heterosexual marriage.

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Surge in Illegal Immigrants Blamed on U.S. Policy, Memo Says

Illegal immigrants from Central America are surging across the U.S.-Mexico border because they believe they can take advantage of American immigration policy and gain at least a tentative foothold in the country, according to an internal Border Patrol intelligence memo.

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Attorney General Slams Boy Scouts Over Gay Scoutmaster Ban

Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday that the refusal by the Boy Scouts of America to allow gay adults to be scout leaders “perpetuates the worst kind of stereotypes.”

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‘Duck Dynasty’ Producer Speaks Out (Video)

“I know Phil Robertson. I know his beliefs,” Deirdre Gurney, executive producer of A&E’s breakout hit, said during The Hollywood Reporter Reality Roundtable. “I know how he treats a crew that has several gay people on it.”

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Hagel Throws Obama Under Bus During Congressional Hearings

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel apparently isn’t going to let the Obama administration throw him under the bus in the Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl scandal. In fact, you could say just the opposite.

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