Border Sheriff Says Influx of Illegal Immigrants Like Hurricane Katrina

Officials say that nearly a thousand illegal immigrants a day are crossing into Texas from Mexico, an anomaly that is now being compared to Hurricane Katrina.

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Obama Praises Australia’s Confiscation of Guns

Speaking to users of the blogging platform Tumblr, President Obama today praised Australia’s confiscation of firearms.

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D.C. Political Earthquake: Cantor Loses to Tea Party Candidate

In a stunning upset, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia lost a Republican primary to Tea Party challenger, David Brat, on Tuesday in an election that was called by pundits as the “political earthquake” that rocked Washington.

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Newly Installed Homeland Security Chief Admits Need for Border Reform

Both in public and in private meetings, new Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson readily acknowledges there is a border “problem” that needs fixing — a major departure from his predecessor, Janet Napolitano, whose consistent refrain was that the border was more secure than it had ever been.

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Senate Gives Obama Administration $1 Billion for Illegal Kids Surging Across the Border

Senate appropriators on Tuesday added $1 billion to a spending bill to pay for social workers caring for the surge of children pouring across the U.S.-Mexico border, saying the humanitarian crisis is growing so quickly it’s outpacing the government’s ability to handle it.

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Obama Administration Officials Refuse to Justify Taliban Release

Obama administration officials refused to fully explain to key senators the justification for freeing five senior Taliban leaders that the White House had once considered to be among the most dangerous prisoners being held in the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, according to senior Senate insiders familiar with a closed-door briefing held Tuesday for members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

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