Half of Pastors Plan to Vote for Trump, Nearly a Quarter Wouldn’t Say

Like other Americans, pastors are deciding who they’ll vote for in the November election. Compared to previous elections, however, they’re much more hesitant to share their preference. Almost all US Protestant pastors (97%) plan to vote in the 2024 presidential election, according to a Lifeway Research study conducted August 8–September 3, 2024. But almost a quarter (23%) Read more…

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Ohio Haitians Feel Panic, Local Christians Try to Repair Divides

On Thursday, Viles Dorsainvil, a former pastor in Haiti and the leader of Haitian Community Help and Support Center in Springfield, Ohio, was getting phone call after phone call from local immigrants feeling “panic” over their safety. The 60,000-person city has felt the strain and culture clash of welcoming 15,000 Haitians over the past four Read more…

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A Subtler Political Idolatry

As a college student, I never missed a State of the Union address. Feeling a sense of patriotic duty, I sat through the whole bloated spectacle: the obsequious handshakes, interminable applause, and extravagant promises to vanquish foes, blot out injustice, and kickstart a golden age of prosperity. But over time, I came to see all Read more…

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