Died: Daniel Bourdanné, Millipede Scientist Turned IFES Leader Who Loved Christian Books

Daniel Bourdanné, a scientist from the central African nation of Chad who inspired young evangelicals around the world as the general secretary of IFES and a longtime champion of Christian book publishing in Africa, died on September 6 at age 64 as a result of cancer.  After years of ministry to students, Bourdanné became general Read more…

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Christian Formation for the ‘Toolbelt Generation’

I always assumed my sons would go to college. My husband and I were indelibly formed by our own college years of deep reading, endless discussion, and applying what we’d learned in the classroom to our faith and the world. University life helped us grow toward being “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as Read more…

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 appeared first on Christianity Today.

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