Faith Lived Close to the Land

My dad eased his pickup truck along the rolling sidehill, tracing the curves in the rows of hay stretching before us, the steering wheel wandering beneath his hand. The afternoon sun was high and warm. We could have fallen asleep beneath its affectionate glow, were it an afternoon lazy enough to let our family rest. Read more…

The post Faith Lived Close to the Land appeared first on Christianity Today.

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New Program: Divine Design, hosted by Patti Barnes

Hello, I’m Jill Morikone, and this week we’re excited to tell you about a brand new series coming soon to 3ABN! It’s called Divine Design, and it’s hosted by Patti Barnes.
You know, there’s nothing more precious than a newborn baby—a gift from our loving heavenly Father. How important it is for us to become educated … Read more »

New Program: Divine Design, hosted by Patti Barnes. From

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