Casey Concedes U.S. Senate Race in Pennsylvania
Bob Casey Jr. is finally ready to say goodbye. Seventeen days after the polls closed, the two-term Democratic senator called Republican challenger Dave McCormick to congratulate him on his win.
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Sharing Jesus in Guatemala
In October, a small Escrito Está team traveled to Guatemala to distribute water filters to a community desperately in need of them. We also joined a local radio station to share solar-powered radios with the Kekchi people, giving them access to Escrito Está programs translated into their native language! It all began with a recently…
Compartiendo el amor de Jesús en Guatemala
Todo comenzó con una pareja joven deseosa de compartir el evangelio en una pequeña comunidad al sur de Guatemala. Un amigo le dijo a Anthony, “si quieres hacer misión, por favor acuérdate de mi comunidad, necesita toda la ayuda posible”. Después de visitar una aldea en Moyuta llamada Palos Abrazados, Anthony y Angie se dieron […]
Viviendo con esperanza en el conflicto final
Se acerca el aniversario número 43 de Unión Radio Guatemala. Para celebrarlo, hemos decidido unir fuerzas y predicar la Palabra de Dios a través de las ondas radiales y por las redes sociales. Del 15 al 21 de agosto comenzaremos con la serie Viviendo con Esperanza en el conflicto final, con temas presentados por el […]
Living with Hope – Guatemala 2018
From February 21 through February 23, Pastor Robert Costa, speaker/director of Escrito Está, held evangelistic meetings in the capital city of Guatemala. On the first night, almost 3,000 people attended the meetings. One thousand of the attendees were visitors who were either brought by a friend or who received one of 10,000 invitations delivered by…