Palestinian adviser to Abbas: Jews not connected to land, ‘occupation’ to disappear

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, a senior adviser to Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, claimed in a Friday sermon in Ramallah last week that the land of Israel belonged to the Palestinians since before the Natufians, Canaanites and Jebusites.

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Muslim Charged With Killing Priest In Egypt

A man has been charged with killing a Coptic Orthodox priest in the coastal city of Alexandria in northern Egypt, Christian sources said Thursday.

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‘Christian Netflix Service Reaching Mideast Persecuted Believers’

“Isolated Christians in the Middle East,” including many struggling to survive, use their smartphones to connect with other believers through the “region’s first-ever faith-based video-on-demand service,” a Christian broadcaster says.

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16 AGs urge Biden to reinstate Keystone XL pipeline

Sixteen Republican attorneys general, led by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, have called on President Joe Biden to reinstate the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline after learning that his administration wants to increase oil imports from Canada.

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Iran Christian Convert Starts Prison Term

Iranian Christian convert Fariba Dalir has begun serving a two-year prison sentence for “acting against national security by establishing and leading an Evangelical Christian church,” an advocacy group confirmed.

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Hundreds of Syrian fighters sign up to fight alongside Russia in Ukraine

During a visit to Syria in 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin lavished praise on a Syrian general whose division played an instrumental role in defeating insurgents in the country’s long-running civil war. The Russian leader told him his cooperatio…

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