Uganda: Muslim extremists kill two Christians in church fire

Two Christians were killed in southern Uganda last Thursday after Muslim extremists set fire to the church building they were praying in, Morning Star News reports.

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Nigeria: Islamic State terrorists murder Christians in Borno state, “Where is the outcry?”

The slaughter of Christians by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria continues unabated and, on May 3, eight Christians in Borno state were killed by Islamic State West Africa (ISWAP) militants, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Nigeria: Two children among eight Christians murdered by Islamic militants

Two children were among eight Christians murdered by Fulani Muslim herdsmen in Nigeria’s Plateau state on Thursday, May 5, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

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Sudan: Christian couple face 100 lashes following husband’s conversion

A Sharia court of law in Sudan may punish a formerly Muslim married couple with 100 lashes for “adultery” following the husband’s conversion to Christianity, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

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Algeria: Court reduces fine but retains suspended prison sentence for 11 Christians

A court of appeals in Algeria has reduced a fine given to a group of 11 Christians convicted of “unauthorized non-Muslim worship,” but it retained a suspended prison sentence that was also given, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Concerned…

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Iran: Another Christian woman imprisoned for involvement in house church

A second Christian woman has begun a two-year prison sentence in Iran because of her involvement with a local house church, Article 18 reports.

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